Suppose we have created an application for a
car dealers for warranty claim.
Imagine dealer has to select the car
models and parts to be replaced from drop down.
And we are fetching these details from a DB
Each time the dealer enters a new claim he has
to fetch these details from DB.
Just imagine for a car manufacturer there are
1000 dealers and on an avg one dealer is processing 100 claims daily then total
1000 * 100 times DB interaction.
Ideally the car models and the parts for that
model is not an entity which will change very frequently.
So we basically need some page/pagelist to hold
these data on Clipboard, can be reused and should not be refreshed very
frequently to avoid DB interaction
This is the scenario where Datapage is the best
fit to serve the purpose
Because -----
Data pages, provide on-demand access to data
When the system references a data page, the
data page either creates an instance of itself on the clipboard and loads the
required data in it for the system to use, or responds to the reference with an
existing instance of itself.
Page – Create
a data page containing a single object
List – Create
a list-type data page containing a multiple objects
Class of the Datapage .
Read Only- Once the datapage is
loaded it will prevent to modify the data
Editable - Allow
the Data Page to be modified
n If the data page is Editable mode then it will create
under User Pages on Clipboard
n If its readonly it created under Data Pages on
Thread –
If a
Declare Pages instance is defined as a Thread page scope, it is loaded and
maintained in each thread that references this page name. If a requestor has
multiple threads, then each thread has its own instance of this page.
Requestor –
threads for the current requestor can access the data page.
Data Page
is shared across all of the threads for that requestor.
Node –
requestor executing on the current node can access the pages.
Data Page
is shared across all of the requestors for that node.
** There
is no option to create a Datapage Scope as NODE if it’s an editable one.
Editable pages do not have a refresh strategy
and can only have a Thread or Requestor scope.
Prior to
7 for Datapage (formerly known as Declare page) the only option to load data
was using activity
But in
PEGA 7 other than activity we have options like Report Definition (Only for
List type of DataPage), Connector , Data Transform, Lookup (Only for
Page type of DataPage) to load the data .
One more
beauty is to select multiple Data Source based on when condition.
If the Date Page is of
List type then the Data Transform/Activity should be of the class
And if it’s a page
type then Data Transform/Activity should be on the object type class of Data
Page (Inheritance path)
definition –
Only applicable for
List type of data page . The report definition can be of any class
However if the Report
Definition class does not match or inherit from the object type of the data
page Response Data Transform is mandatory
We have a wide range
of connector to load the data in Data page .
if the data source is
connector then Request Data Transform,
Response Page List and Endpoint URL
is optional , However the Response Data
Transform is mandatory
Lookup –
This is used only for
the Data Page having page structure.
If the Applies To key
part of the data source does not match or inherit from the object type of the
data page.
n Simulate data source
this check box is selected we can select an alternative data source to use
during development: a Report Definition, a Data Transform, or a Lookup.
load processing
Use Data Transform if the data needs to be
modified after it loads.
page Access
KEYED PAGE ACCESS is a feature which allows the
user to retrieve the results faster.
ü This feature is supported only for LIST structure READONLY
Data Pages
ü On definition tab check the Access pages with user defined
keys to implement this feature.
ü The user can retrieve the results based on single key or by
defining multiple keys.
ü If multiple keys are defined, then the results
retrieved/returned is an AND operation of all the keys defined.
The key value applied is case sensitive.
This feature is supported only for LIST
structure READONLY Data Pages
multiple pages per key --
Check this checkbox, if the keys are not unique
on the list of data (duplicate rows for the same key), the user can retrieve
multiple rows/pages for key(s).
How to use/invoke this KEYED PAGE ACCESS Data Page:
This can be invoked/referred only through
autopopulate properties
The data page retrieves all the records, the
keys are applied only through auto populate property.
Let’s consider the
following simple example
Here is one simple data source
That means Data Page can be accessed using user defined keys
.Refer the below screenshot
Suppose we have a page list UserSkill which is under pyWorkPage and referring to this
Data Page
This page is used in a repeating grid.
Now let’s see how key page access works.
1. user portal
2. clipboard
In the above screen shot D_testList contains all the 5 results
However the UserSkill page list contains only those results
with matching skill “pega”
Load Management
Data Page Button
Use this button to remove the Data Page from
Access Group –
This option is only for Node type of Data Page
Why not for Thread and Requestor?
Because, for Thread and Requestor scope , Data Page
can use the access group of requestor who is using the Data Page .

n Applicable only for readonly Data Page
We have to specify the time to reload the fresh data into the
Data Page .
However for Thread and Requestor scope we have few more
options like :-
Reload once per interaction-
If the check box is checked Data Page loads exactly once per
user interaction. The system ignores any values in the Reload if older than and Do not reload when fields at run time .
Limit to a single data page -
This option is only visible if some parameters
are defined on Data Page . More on Parameter Data Page.
Clear pages after non-use -
For data
pages with a scope of Requestor or Node, select the Clear
pages after non-use check box to force the system to delete the clipboard
instances of the data page after an interval passes with no access. Subsequent
attempts by a requestor to access the data pages cause the pages to reload.
selected, this setting has different effects depending on the scope of the data
- Requestor scope –
The data page instance that is created when any thread refers to the data
page is removed when there are no more threads referring to it.
- Node scope –
The system checks the Reload if older than fields on
the Load Managementtab of the data page rule. If the fields are
blank, the system uses the value of the Dynamic System
Setting DeclarePages/DefaultIdleTimeSeconds, which is set by default
to 86400 seconds, or one day.
This tab defines the parameter, the Data Page
uses for its Data Source
Just say I defined 1 param called Param1 on
Data Page
Just say Param1 is for Skill . The parameter I
have passed to Report Definition to get the Skill Details.
Find the below screenshots
Whenever the Data Page is referred we have to pass
the param .

Pass the Param to Report Definition
Run the Data Paga passing Param as “pega”
Run it again with Param as “java “
For each param the data page will load
accordingly on clipboard
But when Limit to a single data page check box
is checked, then for each new param it will replace the existing one.
How to
use parameterized Data Page in Activity/Data Transform ?
Usage Tab
This tab displays rules that are currently
using the data page
-- Kindly let me know if I missed something . Thank you :)
Hi Rakesh,
ReplyDeleteI have a doubt here that can you explain little idea about test cases and specifications tabs in data page??